As a photographer getting an assignment to photograph a Magazine Cover is quite an accomplishment. It is a higher-paying gig and it is a great boost to one's career. For our Second Years, getting them to photograph a cover is a great way for them to showcase their photographic skills and practice their design skills. Our students are not graphic designers but knowledge of layout enhances their skill set. Making them better prepared for a career in the imaging industry.
Students research then lay out their text and graphics before photographing their covers. Like all magazine covers, image impact is key to selling magazines and winning this award.
Below are the submissions for the award, from all the Faculty and Staff good luck to all who submitted. Thanks to our sponsor Nikon Canada for continuing to support our students and our amazing judge!!
PhotoED Magazine Editor/ Publisher, Rita Godlevskis has extensive experience in creative media – specializing in photography. Professional assignments of note include photo editor roles with magazines such as Toronto Life, Australian Women’s Weekly, and Canadian House&Home. Rita holds a Masters in Creative Media from RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia, specialising in photography, and has exhibited her own work in Canada, the US, Australia and New Zealand.
Web: LinkedIn
Tori Crawley
2020 WInner:
We are pleased to announce that the winner of this award is Tori Crawley, congrats!!
insta: @withoutawall.images web:
Judge’s Feedback
"From an editorial perspective Tori delivers the goods needed to beautifully translate an idea into a gorgeously executed, on-brand, combination.
Tori's cover shot cover elevates the real (existing) brand's visual style, but stays true to what is at the heart of "Fine Woodworking." Understanding what a brand is about and translating it beyond it's expectations is exactly what a professional photographer needs to understand. I can't wait to see Tori's work on many other magazine covers in the future.”
- Rita
Runner Up: Jessica Jackson
Judge’s Feedback
“Jessica's photo was a beautiful execution of a strong editorial concept. A unique model, with a bold and confident look, presents an empowering message. A message that fashion editorial brands are always looking to convey.”
- Rita
To All Students:
“Congrats to ALL the Algonquin College Photography students for pushing through to complete their projects whilst in the middle of a global pandemic. Creating images to effectively and uniquely convey editorial stories - in print or through digital media, is truely a challenge in the ultra-competitive field of commercial photography. Without a doubt, these students have the ability to thrive as creators and future creative industry leaders. Current events challenge us to consider every aspect of our creative lives and work, from making the most of the tools we have on hand, to crafting images that effectively convey the emotions we experience. Going forward, I think these students will be well placed to thrive under pressure in any circumstance. This resilience is yet another creative industry tool that will set them apart as entrepreneurs navigating a competitive industry.
Thank you to the educators + team at Algonquin for allowing me the pleasure of reviewing work from the newest generation of image making leaders!”
- Rita.
From all the Students, Faculty and Staff thanks to our sponsor Nikon Canada for continuing to support our students and Rita Godlevskis for judging this award!!