Alex Jarvie
A Canadian born Scotsman. Being born in Canada with Scottish parents then moving back home to Scotland at the age of 3 years old, I spent all of my childhood and early education in my georgeous little Scottish hometown of Bridge of Allan, Scotland. Post Secondary Education had me studying Software Engineering for another 3 years in Glasgow, Scotland whilst managing restaurants and bars throughout the city. I was not really enjoying where I was going in life, So I made a change.
I booked the cheapest flight I could find as soon as possible to Canada one morning and called the parents to break the news, quit my job, packed in my last year of Web Development to persue a career in ... Fitness! (Not what you were expecting right)
After initially staying with family in Montreal to get my footing in Canada I decided to move to Ottawa to study and start my new life and career as a personal trainer, eventually settling with Movati Athletic, having a few fantastic successful years working with Movati as a trainer with a full roster of fantastic commited clients really loving and take pride my job, knowing I was really helping someone each and every day.
Sadly during my second year with Movati I was diagnosed with stage 3 testicular cancer that had progressively metastesized into the majority of the lymph nodes in my groin and bowels. Fighting hard through 4 full rounds of chemotherapy and a following almost 19 hours of surgery resulting in around 150 lymph nodes being removed.
You can imagine this point in my life caused a few quite profound changes and I have a completely different perspective, its almost as if I have started to see things in a different light and I decided that I wanted to do my best to try and share this with whoever would take the time through my photography.
Insta: @alexjarviephotography
Carson Stewart
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In egestas eros eu aliquet feugiat. Curabitur lobortis sem felis, ac ullamcorper lorem iaculis at. Sed vel laoreet magna. Integer a tincidunt dui. Curabitur id massa in dolor hendrerit semper a sit amet justo. In in massa turpis. Vestibulum dolor enim, dictum porttitor porta ut, sodales ut augue. Etiam ac erat non lorem lobortis sodales.
Nam laoreet, sem sit amet tincidunt tincidunt, urna risus egestas leo, eu pellentesque massa libero vitae urna. Vestibulum et ultricies est. Morbi hendrerit velit nisi, et pellentesque lacus ornare at. Ut vehicula velit quam, in tincidunt orci semper sed. Mauris sapien eros, rhoncus eget nunc sit amet, malesuada consequat augue. Etiam laoreet aliquet magna, non fringilla felis condimentum non. Etiam pretium sit amet metus at pulvinar. Maecenas nisi diam, blandit nec ornare ac, mollis sed mauris. Vestibulum iaculis diam felis, ut lacinia risus porta non. Donec ex libero, condimentum ut aliquam dictum, bibendum non nisi.
Morbi tempor eget lorem sed cursus. Cras iaculis hendrerit ultrices. Ut interdum lorem non lectus pretium, ac sagittis neque feugiat. Nam ipsum orci, scelerisque sed viverra quis, condimentum sit amet justo. Fusce arcu enim, sagittis at volutpat sed, tincidunt sodales nisi. Suspendisse at bibendum orci. Sed molestie lacus eu mollis facilisis. Proin id gravida nibh. Donec sed pellentesque velit. Etiam semper pellentesque erat, non feugiat dolor.
Insta: @carsonstewartphotos
With a Yearly Subscription you will receive two yearly in office consultations, our team will visit your space and work with you to select images and display options for your space. You get to choose the Curated selection of Student work and your subscription covers the cost of printing, framing and installation. At the end of your subscription you can renew for another year of If you would like to purchase the images outright for permanent display in your space this is option is available.
f1.2 - $100 - 1 Year Subscription
f2 - $160 - 2 Year Subscription
f4 - $280 - 4 Year Subscription
You will be supporting Student Artist and Photographers, all money raised through the curated subscription service will go back into the Student’s yearly Exhibition. If you are interested book a free in office consultation, by one of our Student Curators..
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