Image By 2nd Year: Maddison Morrow
2023 Awards
The Algonquin College Photography Program will be posting the winners of this year’s awards starting tomorrow.
We are proud to present the Photography program’s 50th Annual Awards, featuring the second years final work!
Our Annual Awards will be released one award a day for the next week!
Release dates for each award:
Monday, April 24th - Best Portrait Award - Winner Posted!
Tuesday, April 25th - Best Commercial Award - Winner Posted!
Wednesday, April 26th - Best Food and Drink Award - Winner Posted!
Thursday, April 27th - Best Website Award - Winner Posted!
Friday, April 28th - James Zagon Memorial Award - Winner Posted!
Saturday, April 29th - Best Magazine Award - Winner Posted!
Sunday, April 30th - Best Series Award - Winner Posted!
Monday, May 1st - ABCD (Above Beyond the Call of Duty) - Winner Posted!
Tuesday, May 2nd- Best Portfolio Award - Winner Posted!